Zambian Breweries is thrilled to unveil exciting news about our annual smart drinking campaign, Cheers Pa Easy. As Zambia’s leading beer producer, we are steadfast in our commitment to fostering a culture of moderation and responsibility in alcohol consumption. This year, we’ve taken it up a notch by infusing a musical twist into the campaign to convey our message effectively.

Introducing the infectious Cheers Pa Easy jingle – a vibrant anthem crafted to remind everyone about the importance of pacing, staying hydrated, and making responsible decisions during their celebrations. This lively tune encapsulates the spirit of our campaign, promoting a positive and mindful approach to enjoying our quality beverages.

As part of our dedication to smart drinking, we present the four pillars of Cheers Pa Easy:

Hydrate: Remember to drink water in-between beers to stay refreshed and maintain a balanced approach to your celebrations.

Eat Something: Enjoy your favorite beer responsibly by having a meal before or during your festivities, ensuring a more enjoyable and measured experience.

Catch a Lift: Prioritize safety and the well-being of yourself and others by refraining from drinking and driving. Instead, opt for alternative transportation options.

Pace Yourself: Embrace the Cheers Pa Easy mantra of pacing yourself, encouraging a measured and enjoyable drinking experience.

To enhance the engagement of the Cheers Pa Easy campaign, we’re making the jingle available for download. We firmly believe that responsible drinking can be enjoyable, and we extend an invitation for you to share the Cheers Pa Easy jingle with your friends and family, set it as the ringtone on your phone and create awareness around  #CheersPaEasy. Let’s collectively champion the values of moderation, hydration, responsible decision-making, and pacing as we enter the festive season.

Play/download the jingle below.

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